Bulgogi SamBab 불고기삼밥

31st Aug '10

Location: Sinchon

Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen!
It's been a fun-filled week, and I've just gotten the chance to write it all down in my blog to immortalise it for years to come. :D

I'm still exploring my Home base, Sinchon at this point. I asked one of my buddies to have dinner with me. Of course, every time I go out to dinner I will always try something new. :P
An open mind is needed when trying new things of course! But that's a topic for another blog post. For now, I'd like to introduce to you the wonderful world of SamBab!

Bulgogi SamBab 불고기삼밥
Some might call it Sukiyaki, others Bulgogi SamBab :D 
It's a stew made from JapChae, fresh mushrooms, onions and Marinated Beef.

But what made this a special experience is the way we eat it :)

SamBab 삼밥

SamBab is a way of eating which mixes freshly picked vegies (uncooked for crisp, fresh flavour) with some kind of meat in the middle. 

The combination of cool, crisp vegies (like Mint, BokChoy, Lettuce or cabbages) works very well with the nicely stewed tender meat. The meat is wrapped around the meat like.... a...... wrap XD (See pictures)

I personally like to eat it with the Mint leaves because it gives a fresh mint burst of flavour that really goes well with the meat. The subtle bitterness of the Mint leaves also balances out the sweetness of the Marinated Beef.

This particular place that we went to was a bit expensive. When I say expensive, I meant on an impoverished student's (ie. Me) payroll, you probably can't afford to eat here everyday :P It costs bout 10,000KRW up! So, please remember, when eating here - bring your walking ATMs (Boyfriend, Parents, Cougar) :D


Ray K
