A Murally Right Place to Be

25th August 2010

Located a station away from Sinchon station, Hongdae is the home of a well-known university called Hongik University (Hongdae 홍대). But it's not just the university that made this place popular. The cafe and restaurants are astonishing, while the shops have little distinguishing characters themselves. The beautiful architecture is spilling with artistic values, that is also one of the well-known features of the Hongdae area. It's dusted urban art like the typical street-graffiti and the unique murals. 

A Riger :P

It's sad to think that I won't have so much time to do this blog that often anymore as school is starting soon :( But it's also very exciting, I can't wait to meet new friends. Also, my body has been conditioned to start working soon anyways. I've been too long in holidays.

For the meantime, let me tell you about the awesome Italian food I ate today in the next post. :D
