Bau Haus Doggie Cafe - Hongdae

Ah, okay. MY finals FINALLY finished! :D So time for some blogging! 
I have so many adventures to tell you guys about, so let's start with the recent one :)

First of all the name of the cafe is Bau Haus and it's in Hongdae, just a station away from Sinchon, so it's awesome. Basically you can feel like owning a dog, without the fuss of feeding and cleaning up after them. 

I must say the idea intrigued me, and I wondered the insurance that needs to come with it ie. dog bites person or person bites dog etc. BUT nevertheless, it was a smart idea, I think. 
They only offer Cold drinks for around 5000 KRW (AUD$5) upwards, so it is pretty decent since you can play with the dogs and stay for as long as you want. You can also buy them treats to win their puppy love. Oh yes, they love you more if you have treats of course. Little like bribing, so they have been taught well. :D

The dogs are hug-able, pet-able, but not ride-able nor are they edible. :P
Although in my mind I did. 

Ride them, that is.

They are amazingly huge and furry and would give you love under one condition: Scooby Snacks. So you can judge their popularity by how FAT they are. 
하키 is quite possibly the most popular of them all. His fur is like Chocolate (good enough to eat? Haha. Jokes. That's for another blog entry :P) and he modestly begs for treats just by sitting next to you with his tongue out. I gave him like 5 by the end of the day :D 

I also love this guy. 
The shopkeepers must have drawn eyebrows on his, which I found hilarious. 

A few caution. Your coats are probably gonna be covered in doggie fur if you are petting them and such. Although they were smart enough to not put hot drinks on the menu, spillage do happen, dogs will be jumpin' on tables and your lap sometimes (the small ones quite possibly), but they are all well-behaved. 

Also I know what you're thinking, they must stink right? 
(Interesting fact = 'Bau' in Indonesian means Smelly :D)
Surprisingly not at all really. 
The room is well air-conditioned with a lot of sprays and odour-killing technology.
If you are allergic to dogs...... I don't know why you would want to come here.

Well. Maybe. Except. To die. A furry death.

I have hundreds of pictures, it's a shame I can't put them all here. 
Each of them have different personalities and so yeah! pick out your favorite! :D
